Nonprofit Mockup

About the Project

Maintaining a responsive site with a respository of multi-media content is a complex task. I collaborated with a diverse team, including the chief marketing officer, designers, and developers, to design, build, and test site navigation and multi-media content. I also conducted competitive research, site mapping, and completed a style guide.




  • Usability Testing
  • Preference Testing

Tools used: Lucid Chart, Optimal Sort, Figma

Site Mapping & Card Sorting

We reviewed the current site structure, and began to analyze how we might streamline the navigation.

User Site Map

Site Map

Card Sorting

To assess the structure of our site map, we conducted a hybrid card sort with 20 participants using OptimalSort. The test included 30 cards with content topics with 5 pre-defined categories. We're in the process of compiling data and assessing the results.

Wireframes & Mockups

We started refining the design of some website features, starting with forms and CTAs. We're in the process of further refining the UI to maintain consistency across the site.

CTA buttons: Option 1

CTAs Option 1

CTA buttons: Option 2

CTAs Option 2

Join Form

Join Form

Contact Form

Contact Form

Main Takeaways

This is an ongoing project with a dynamic, cross-functional team committed to improving the usability of an existing site. From user research and site mapping to usability testing and refining the UI, I'm involved in all UX facets of the project.